BAKU ba-229 Hot Sale Lead-Free Solder Flux
BAKU ba-229 Hot Sale Lead-Free Solder Flux
BAKU ba-229 Hot Sale Lead-Free Solder Flux
BAKU ba-229 Hot Sale Lead-Free Solder Flux
BAKU ba-229 Hot Sale Lead-Free Solder Flux

BAKU ba-229 Hot Sale Lead-Free Solder Flux

  • High-impedance, No-clean, Lead-free, Halogen-free.
  • The highest grade of the MlL-F-14256.
  • Needle design for precise application.
  • Less smell, no need to clean after welding.

1. Lead-free soldering fluid is used in various industries such as electronics, computers,
home appliances, dashboards industries, communications products especially for laminated
assembly and electronic equipment with high precision where it provides better weldability
and wettability ensuring full solder joint tin permeability while leaving fewer panel residues
after welding meeting ICT test pass rate requirements.

2. The application and promotion of this technology will continue to grow in importance due to
its benefits for both humans’ health as well as our environment’s wellbeing.

Model ba-229
Branford Military Standard MIL-F-14256
Application For mobile phone repair
Dimension 8*2*16.6cm/ Piece
Weight 0.025kg/ Piece (FULL)
PH Value-6.6CI=0
CI =0
Colour Translucent and white
Temperature Range 25-330°C
Humidity Range 45-75%RH
Lot R-898-Lo
Color White
MOQ 120pcs